Monday, June 16, 2014

6/16/2014~Two Months Later with an announcement

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip Toe if you must, but take the step."

Remember how I said exciting things don't always happen to me? Well I lied. My life is about to get quite a bit more interesting than I initially thought.

My husband and I planned on waiting about 5 years to have kids. We'd get our degrees finished up, get stable jobs and maybe travel a little bit. We'd enjoy ourselves and get to know each other more and we'd set up our roots. I would start a blog about fashion and pop culture and he would become an engineer. And THEN we'd think about having kids.


Well that plan has been a little switched up. We are 2 months into our marriage and we have a little surprise.

We're having a baby! Due date is February 15th, 2015 and we are SO excited!